Well when all you Christmas goers were celebrating, fighting families, crying kids, ungrateful family members. I was watching movies, Yes I did not spend Christmas with my huge Croatian Catholic hot blooded family. I was done, 2009 took a lot out of me. Please, just one day of peace…what Christmas was intended to be “Peace and Happiness”!!! So, my friend and I took Jesus’s request for Peace and Happiness and did just that.
Christmas: Movie Mania
• Inglorious Bastards (***1/2, Stars) suspenseful, good acting “Not for Koreans and conservative white men”, you know who I am talking about.
• Coco Chanel (**2,Stars) tv version, which I preferred better than the big screen
• I hate Valentine’s Day (0,Stars) This movie fucking sucked, look at a wall for a hour instead of watching this movie)
• Away we go (*1, Star) Slow and it sucked. That dude should stick, to just the office. Yup I said it, he is a shitty actor. AND Nancy, his fiancés mom sucks!
• Mike Tyson, Documentary (*1, Star) Shoot I should give it ****4 Stars, because that dude is one of boxing greatest.
• Up in the Air (**2,Stars) I didn’t like it as much as I thought, rent it. Shoot or don’t watch it. Fucking George Clooney, has been picking some stupid roles. Go to your “I”talian villa a read a good script. I feel as though he thinks he can make shit, smell like roses. Well George, it’s a expression!
• Second: Sherlock Holmes (***3,Stars) Robert Downey, he looks like he’s done a lot of coke in his day AND still can sell a movie ticket. I wish he would give, Mickey Rourke a few tips.
• Third: It’s complicated (**1/2, Stars) One word, “Cute”!
It was wonderful, in-between showing’s we ate Johnny rockets.
Grilled cheese, Onion Rings, Chili Cheeses Fries, Club Sandwich, Strawberry Milk Shake. Beats, Gross “Canned Cranberries”! yuck.
Then to End the Night, 80’s dance music AND a Stoli-Soda please with lime. Oh, how I missed my good friend!
Good Dance, Good Entertainment AND best of all….With a Great Friend.
Happy Holidays, Mr. Shelly (aka Sheryls Dad)!